Monday, June 9, 2014

Pause and Think About What You Really Want

Please do not disturb.. Stickers

I work in an office filled with woman. A typical day is filled with complaining followed by gossiping, which is then followed by more complaining. Snide remarks are made behind  each other's backs with each questioning the intelligence and importance of the another in the office. Feelings are hurt and resentment is harbored. It is one big, sick, dysfunctional mess. Some sit back and take all of the frustration and hurt in only to explode when they can't take the craziness anymore. Others explode at the drop of hat sputtering nasty and hurtful comments. As this goes on in the background I sit in my cubicle, typing away doing my work quietly, wondering if a manager will come out and try to diffuse the situation at hand.....but no one does. As the day goes on I speak with several of my coworkers on various work related projects and feel the incessant tug to be drawn into the drama that defines our office environment. Sometimes it becomes difficult to separate myself from what is happening. I find myself spewing garbage, which I immediately regret and feel bad for. I begin to wonder if retreating to my cubicle permanently and putting up a do not disturb sign might be the best way to avoid all of the chaos and the temptation to join in.

Work is stressful, as is life. How many times do we let our environment and circumstances suck us into positions and behaviors that we really don't want to participate in? Instead of being pushed to do things in the heat of the moment, maybe we need to pause and think about what we really want. In thinking about my work the last thing I want is to get sucked into drama and be part of it. I also don't want to be in an environment that is hostile and uncomfortable for people. Honestly I believe that if most of the people who were affected by this awful situation, really thought about it, they would want the same thing, a peaceful and comfortable environment to work in. So then if that is what we really want, then why don't we make it that way?

It is easy to get tempted by our emotions to lash out in retaliation against someone who we feel has hurt us. However, engaging in such behavior not only hurts the other individual, but makes us face the crushing weight of regret and ultimately puts up barriers in our relationship with God. In the heat of the moment it is best to step back and cool off before responding to our hurt. We need to find a quiet and calm place to let God speak to us and to find a way to express ourselves honestly, but in a godly manner. If all of us could do this in my office we would find that calm and peaceful place to work at that we all desire.

I can't change anyone else, but I can change me. I don't have to hide in my cubicle, but I don't have to participate in the drama either. I am pausing to think about what I really want and am going to do what I can to try to make our office a more peaceful and calm place to work in.

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